Week 3: 21.02-27.02.2024
Week 3: 21.02-27.02.2024
Two new articles have been published:
Asian python: what kind of animal it is?
Organic results:
We gained again on impressions: 22.4% more than the previous week (it was 890). Slight drop in organic clicks (10 vs. 14 the previous week), that also influences the CTR (more views divided by less clicks). We are still on the 4th page of google.
Google Analytics:
The paid publicity is running for the second week. One of the ads got really high performance, what indicates high interest of the customers in the particular item.
Here are week 3 results:
The number of users of the week 3 vs. Week 2 grew: 7.7% in total users, and 5.4% in new users (mostly acquisition by publicity).
Event count:
There was 14.8% raise in the number of events comparing to Week 2, what establishes a nice raising tendency.
Engagement rate:
Still falling, what is normal (there is no high engagement rate in the case of paid publicity using visuals). The publicity operates with new photos, where the photos in the shop are still on black background, what causes dissonance.
Page view:
The number of page views jumped of 11.7%, finally reversing the falling trend.
View item:
The view_item event got a bump up of 14.1% changing the flat line of the trend into a raising one.
Session start:
The session_start event got again a arise, this time not as impressive as after the week 2 vs. week 1, but still higher than week 2 (+20.6%)