Week 5: 06.03-12.03.2024
Week 5: 06.03-12.03.2024
One new article have been published:
Bag trends at the Paris Fashion Week 2024
Current work focuses on the reworking creatives and SEO for the products, with a complete table of the keywords used.
Organic results:
The number of impressions is continuously growing, we reached an impressive jump in organic clicks. Still more quality articles are needed to raise the average position of the site.
Google Analytics:
10.5% jump in the number of new users, 10.2% jump in users overall, comparing to the previous week.
Event count:
A significant jump in event count (49.1% comparing to the previous week)
Engagement rate:
Important increase in the engagement rate (+26.2% in the comparison to the previous week)
Page view:
Significant jump in page views (58% in the comparison to the previous week).
View item:
Significant jump in the item views, due to better creatives (+37.4% comparing to the previous week)
Session start:
A nice jump in session start event (+18.3%)
Continuation of creatives reworking and SEO boost.