Week 7: 20.03-26.03.2024

Week 7: 20.03-26.03.2024

Current work focuses on the reworking creatives and SEO for the products, with a complete table of the keywords used.

Organic results:


Slight decline in the number of impressions and 25% slump in the number of clicks. New creatives have been added, this should have impact on the following week stats.

Google Analytics:



23.9% fall in the number of users, the traffic from FB publicity reached the top. Unless additional budget will be allocated, this level of users will remain steady.

Event count:


An increase in event count, but really small, as the previous week had a significant drop.

Engagement rate:


The engagement rate jumped 29.4% . As mentioned in the previous post, the publicity has been asjusted.

Page view:


A sligth improvement in the page view (7.4% in the comparison to the previous week).

View item:


Slump in the item views again,  (-9.9% comparing to the previous week).

Session start:


Fall in session start event again (-21.7%)

Continuation of creatives reworking and SEO boost.